Monday, October 30, 2006

Lo Siento

Did anyone miss me? I'm not sure how I got so busy, as it is i need to go rite now!! September and October posts will go up...sometime. Steve started a blog,, its hilarious. FYI, make SURE you remember the blogspot part when you type it in!! Out leaf raking for OCC, doing pretty well so far. also filling out scholarship and college apps...not fun. i'll put up a real post ASAP, i swear.


Blogger born2fly said...

hey erika!! 1st comment! dont u miss the blogger world...sighhhhh unfortuantly there is like, no time!!! gotta go reaf lakin again!

8:08 PM, October 30, 2006  
Blogger Darselo said...

This is sad... every single post you've made since school started has brought back senior year memories. Every now and then you just need to let something go, and grab a cup of hot chocolate and a sappy christian romance novel- remember that. And if you're thinking about GVSU (are you?) the app. and scholarship isn't that bad. You get lots of tours though.

10:01 PM, October 30, 2006  
Blogger Unknown said...

i missed you... so its about time you posted again... and steves blog is pretty hilarious..."grind my gears..." thost posts are cool...:D

8:19 AM, October 31, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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9:41 PM, December 30, 2010  

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