Thursday, October 05, 2006

Personality Type

According to recent Bible 12 reading, my personality type is most closely choleric...i think i'm remembering that word correctly. Anyway, apparently my personality type tends to be the doer person. a choleric person sees a goal and will do whatever it takes to accomplish it. they don't no for an answer. since we aren't detail people, we tend to not think of any obstacles that might make the goal more difficult to reach. cholerics usually have a bazillion things going on in their heads and often are involved in as many things in life. they have a lot of nervous energy and have the strong desire to always be doing something. being so driven makes choleric people leaders, rarely are they followers. choleric people like being in charge and aren't very good at taking orders from other people. they like things done their own way. Choleric people tend to get irritated or angry easily at people who can't do things that they are asked to accomplish. They aren't always very good at being empathetic, either.

Obviously such a personality has its advantages and disadvantages. Personally, everyone in the class started cracking up upon reading the description, claiming it, for the most part, fit me to a tee. I am definently very goal oriented, and I'm notorious for being involved in everything, most often in charge of it. My mom all too often reminds me that i'm not a "details person", which is true, but when i'm in charge i'm usually able to at least think ahead enough to make sure stuff runs relatively smoothly. I definitely HATE being bossed around (lol Amos). Paula Lou helps me try to be less calm...sometimes she succeeds, lol. I do tend to get irritated easily, but usually I forget i'm mad just as easily. Depending on the situation, I can be sympathetic. I've been "counseler" to a whole bunch of people at one time or another. I guess the moral of the story is its good that i'm a leader, but maybe I could work on being less bossy and more easy to work with:-)


Blogger Darselo said...

Wow... that's even more Senior memories. I can definately see the Choleric in you. I was a Melancholy, with a touch of the Phlegmatic.

6:28 PM, October 05, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

choleric? doesnt that mean you have cholera? do you spend extended times on the toilet crapping out your intestines? hopefully not. how did the newsletter go? i worked my ass off on the thing and NOT A SINGLE FRICKEN PERSON HAS EMAILED ME!!! Jeez, talk about ingratitude!

10:22 AM, October 06, 2006  
Blogger Unknown said...

gordon, there are better ways to deal with anger...hehehehe...
erika, im not surprised to read this... i figured you were like this a LOOONG time ago, only, i didnt have a name for it...

10:42 AM, October 06, 2006  
Blogger Erika said...

Darci, lol, yah...gr8888 memories;-)

Gordonvich, we allllllll love you retard!! how could we not?? and no, I do NOT have cholera hello!!

Scarlett, mayhap you could teach him some of those ways, lol. and NOW u have a name. and you ALSO owe me an email!!

9:10 PM, October 09, 2006  
Blogger Charles Jurries said...

19 days and counting since Erika last updated this site...

2:07 PM, October 24, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

scarlett in anon...:D

10:45 AM, October 25, 2006  
Blogger Unknown said...

yes, you can update now. we wont be angry if you do...:D we might be angry if you dont...:D:D

3:34 AM, October 28, 2006  
Blogger colormax said...

4:59 PM, May 09, 2019  

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