Friday, May 19, 2006


Banquet is a week from today!! I can't believe it!! Life is soooooo insane right now, seeeeeriously. I'm in charge of the banquet video for the seniors, so i've been running around with the video camera all year, and now am trying to make the movie. I've spent the last 3-ish weeks working frantically, but i had NO idea the amount of work it would take. It's supposed to be finished on Monday so it can go thru all the red tape and stuff, but i don't know if thats gonna happen:-/ I haven't been to bed before 1:30 this entire week, last night it was 3 a.m....i'm not doing the greatest on 4 hours of sleep, let me tell ya. Plus I got a nasty cold from Paula Lou, so i feel vaugely like I got run over by a truck...a LARGE truck!! I also still need a purse, jewelry, and to order John's flowers, and to pick up my dress from getting its sleeves on...yes, it did have to get sleeves *rolls eyes*. Cuz sleeves are gonna solve all problems, right? whatever!! Anyway though, I have to go work MORE on the video. I'm DREAMING in video clips lately, too. OOOOOONNNNNNNEEE more week!!


Blogger The Celloist said...

Hey, cool. First comment.

6:41 PM, May 20, 2006  
Blogger The Celloist said...

CoolER! Second comment.

6:42 PM, May 20, 2006  
Blogger The Celloist said...

Ok, I'm done.

6:42 PM, May 20, 2006  
Blogger born2fly said...

erika, u never knew? sleeves bring world peace, end poverty and disease apparently

7:34 PM, May 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

john? oooooh, good choice, he's "tight" to quote meself
yea, I notice about the camera...I swear you sleep with it in your bed under the pillow on the off chance that you might wake up in the middle of the night and have something to film. freak out!

7:41 PM, May 24, 2006  
Blogger N/A said...

I know the not-going-to-bed-before-1:30 feeling all to well (for more reasons than you think!) and I therefore empathize, and send my most sincere sympathies to you and yours.


9:45 PM, May 24, 2006  
Blogger Unknown said...

ERIKA!! I FIIINALLY UPDATED!!! theres pics of gordon... and have fun with johnny boy...:D:D. i know you willl...:D:D.

12:39 PM, May 25, 2006  
Blogger Erika said...

My dear celloist...i worry about you. you should...go volunteer or something, k?

Abbs, you're absolutely dumb am I?? did you KNOW i slept like that?? It was my secret!! lol, I'm not quite THAT bad!!

Ben, not JUST for the reasons I think, hmm? lol, thanx 4 the sympathy!!

Scarlett, thanx 4 the update...i thought u'd gotten eaten or something!! I did have fun!!

3:28 PM, May 30, 2006  

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