Thursday, October 06, 2005


  • Race For the Cure went really well!! We had a 45 person team, and I was really happy with everyone who participated!!
  • The next major project is Operation Christmas Child. For anyone who doesn't know what that is, you pack shoeboxes full of small gifts, toiletries, and whatever else you want and they get shipped to poverty stricken countries all over the world. The mission is through Samaritan's Purse and is a GREAT project to be involved in. I'm collecting donations and shoeboxes. If you have any boxes floating around SAVE THEM!! If you're friends of John and Pete give 'em 2 them who can give 'em 2 either me or to the Miskins who could give them to me.
  • The Triple L club is coming along nicely. Several have expressed an interest in joining, and I believe we shall have an IM meeting sometime soon. I shall keep you updated.
  • There are several new bloggers, please make them feel welcome.
  • John helped me get a profile picture. Now I have a face.
  • Once there was a girl who stayed up past her bedtime and did very poorly in school the next day. That girl is going to be me. Wish me luck!!


Blogger Unknown said...

who all signed up for MY club so far?

2:55 PM, October 07, 2005  
Blogger Charles Jurries said...

I know some places actually hand out fold-out cardboard boxes for Operation Christmas Child. We've gotten those boxes for a few years now. Some churches offer those boxes, or pamplets on how to participate.

4:11 PM, October 08, 2005  
Blogger Unknown said...

hi erika, admit it, i came up with the triple l club
you know i did

8:31 PM, October 08, 2005  
Blogger born2fly said...

pretty picture comp will not let me upload my yooper pics :(

5:40 PM, October 10, 2005  

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