Thursday, May 19, 2005

A Night of "Fun"

The spring night of music at good old PCHS was 2night. The junior high band and choir that sound like utter crap, the songs that go on for about 3 hours to long, the choir people who start laughing hysterically for no apparent reason, the occasional LOUD wrong note...its a good time. For some it was yet another page toward the end of their high school book. One such senior girl I talked to recalled events of previous such nights, saying how retarded it sounded that she was going to actually MISS those things. I remember a few years back making "snowflakes" out of programs and holding long drawn out conversations from the orchestra section with band members....we were severely reprimanded for our actions later on, but it was definently worth it!! Are these music nights a universal thing? Does everyone dread, but at the same time anticipate playing their instruments or singing in front of family and friends? Oh well, it was probably the last one I'll be playing in was good while it lasted.


Blogger John W. Sikma said...

Wow, sounds boring. You need to tell your friends to comment on this blog...

8:44 PM, May 19, 2005  
Blogger Unknown said...

umm yah, it is boring john! i hate them all and so does almost all the ppl who go to these things... oh well, i have no choice
ps... john, can u comment on my lonely blog too? no one comments on mine...

2:20 PM, May 21, 2005  
Blogger Erika said...

lol, it was VERY exciting scarlette, what are u talking about??? John, we'll hafta invite u nxt time we have 1, howzat? then u can fully experience it!! You guyz keep commenting!!!

9:33 PM, May 21, 2005  
Blogger born2fly said...

Hey Erika...i took a hint from um idea who that is but neways...i was laughing at SOMETHING! it was that cursed paper clip i'm telling you! it acutally was a good time....seeing as it was the last one n all...and um some other reasons lol neways c ya monday!

1:10 PM, May 22, 2005  
Blogger born2fly said...

um that last one was from me abby, better 1/4, ya know wutever u wanna call me... i just made my own blog JUST so i could comment...neways bubye

1:12 PM, May 22, 2005  
Blogger Erika said...

thanx 4 that clarification abbs!! I'll bet u were RLY looking at ur *destiny* person, weren't u??? I think ur VERY sweet 4 makin' a blog 2 just 4 me btw. John is a friend of gordon's who recently became a friend of mine in case u were still wondering:-)

6:54 PM, May 23, 2005  

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