Saturday, October 08, 2005

THIS Is How It Started!!

I'm How do I deal with out you? and Scarlett is miskin in the morning.

miskin in the morning says:
coz that hurts so badly
How do I deal without you? says:
tell me about it. we could SO start a club
miskin in the morning says:
we should
How do I deal without you? says:
i'll bet we'd have lots of members
miskin in the morning says:
like me
How do I deal without you? says:
and me

miskin in the morning says:
and um abby
How do I deal without you? says:
and...chris n greg n alllllllllllll sorts of ppl
miskin in the morning says:
miskin in the morning says:
chris who?
How do I deal without you? says:
miskin in the morning says:
How do I deal without you? says:
mhmm.....and stuff. if we charged money (which we'd 4sure get cuz we're the original members) we'd be SO rich!!
miskin in the morning says:
miskin in the morning says:
the love life losers club
How do I deal without you? says:
or the Triple L's for short
miskin in the morning says:
good one
How do I deal without you? says:
see, we can SO make lemonade
miskin in the morning says:
How do I deal without you? says: sux
miskin in the morning says:
miskin in the morning says:
no kidd
How do I deal without you? says:
maybe i shall write a post about it...see who we can recruit
miskin in the morning says:
good idea
miskin in the morning says:
and mention me as the cofounder

And so it started, the Triple L club. Contrary to what Scarlett says, this conversation, which took place on September 12, tells the truth.


Blogger John W. Sikma said...

oh... that's nice.

4:14 PM, October 10, 2005  
Blogger born2fly said...

yes! hereby initiate myself...i pretty much have the worst luck with love life and am a loser

5:31 PM, October 10, 2005  
Blogger born2fly said...

gee thanks scarlett..i was your 1st nominee for the loser club

5:31 PM, October 10, 2005  
Blogger Unknown said...

you were, well, just think of yourself as a second me. and erika, ok, this WAS your idea, but im still co founder

8:25 PM, October 10, 2005  
Blogger Erika said...

John, it IS nice!! You qualify for membership!!

Abbs, you are obviuosly welcome, and you qualify as well!! And don't worry, Scarlett was only looking out for your wellbeing when she nomiated you!!

Scarlett, HAH I WIN!! and I KNOW ur co founder my dear, don't worry.

Chris, THANKYOU for your vote of confidence. You obviuosly qualify for membership, and are definently in.

9:56 PM, October 10, 2005  
Blogger Smart Aleck said...

Erika is just looking for a list of subjects for her yentaizing hobby.

3:12 PM, October 11, 2005  
Blogger born2fly said...

hey erika whens our 1st meeting?

3:38 PM, October 11, 2005  
Blogger Unknown said...

lets say under the full moon, as the youngsters go trick or treating, we will gather at the big swing downtown and, well, have a meeting. hows that abbs?
and erika, dont gloat. i cant help that you thought of it first and me second

4:01 PM, October 11, 2005  
Blogger born2fly said...

I've always wanted to visit the big swing...even tho teh homeless will be prowling about (sorry, that wasnt very politically correct)

6:51 PM, October 11, 2005  
Blogger Erika said...

Petunia, nice to hear from you!! Thanx for the very sweet words about the picture!! The shoe 4sure DOES fit me rt now!! 'bout u, do you qualify for membership? and anyway, you like yenta izing too!!

Oh great, so now we can get accosted by drunk people AND homeless people!! John n Pete n Scarlett just wanna see me get accosted is what it is!!

9:31 PM, October 11, 2005  
Blogger Smart Aleck said...

I didn't say I didn't like yenta izing, but I am usually very open about it, and was surprised that noone has realized that yet. And unfortunately I more than qualify for membership.

7:49 AM, October 12, 2005  
Blogger Eva Lemmon..? said...

Hmmmm. Thats rather interesting. Poor S&E. Why do you tourture yourselves and others with this senseless "likeing" of jerks? I belive I shall bumble by one of these days..... You guys should read some sappy love poetry. You'd get a real kick out of it!!

11:22 AM, October 12, 2005  
Blogger Smart Aleck said...

Who say we are/have "likeing" jerks?

9:57 AM, October 13, 2005  
Blogger Erika said...

LOL, I am too's just too much fun!! and I totally agree, we don't like jerks!! Its just so tragical that they don't like us back!! Maybe I'll take up reading poetry Evie...its a thought.

9:33 PM, October 13, 2005  
Blogger Eva Lemmon..? said...

Well, I'm only trying to sympathize with you. Most girls are firmly convinced that their ex's are jerks.
(or the bumpkin ignoring them is a jerk.)

Oh my. What a bad typo. *liking*

10:44 AM, October 15, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Or you can just forget about everything and get on with your life.

-The Anonymous Blogger

10:53 PM, October 20, 2005  

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