Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Pen Caps

I chew on my pen caps until they are shredded into a million tiny pieces. One of my teachers loves to mock me about this habit, as the harder I think, the more I chomp on the plastic. I hear it's bad for your teeth to chew on pens, but I can't think properly if I'm not doing it!!


Blogger Eva Lemmon..? said...

On the contrary, I think it stimulates the roots and gums. Just think, if it were bad to chew on things all your teeth would fall out with gingivitis and what not. Not only that, but your jaws wiould be weak and floppy.

10:22 PM, November 08, 2005  
Blogger Charles Jurries said...

Bwahahahaha!!! Erika just announced her weakness!
Now I can tell her teachers to give her tests, but give her special rubber pencils instead! Hehehehe...

10:31 PM, November 08, 2005  
Blogger Unknown said...

erika, i know the weakness. its like "chewchewchew" and people see you and holler "ew, gross, ew, i mean, thats just sick!" and you say, " i cant help it". but it would help if you used cap-less pens. or pencils, as echuckler said.
dont ever chew on an extremley inky pen tho, it will explode.

2:59 PM, November 09, 2005  
Blogger Erika said...

Yah Evie, thats great, but supposedly its kind of like sucking on a pacifier...yanno how thats sposta b bad for ur teeth too. But the worst is when I'm chomping esp. hard and then I stab myself!!

Jesse, I've never had one explode yet, but I've seen it happen and it is NOT pretty!! The teacher kinna different...like, we all give him crap so he gives it right back to us, so its ok most of the time:-)

Chuck, SSSHHHHH, don't give 'em ideas!! I'd do TERRIBLE if I couldn't chew on a pen!!

Scarlett, most people don't holler eww gross my dear, and I really CAN'T help it. Its just an oral fixation or some such nonsense. I shall never chew one of your pens if it disgusts you so though.

5:44 PM, November 09, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do that,too....

6:30 PM, November 09, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i love to chew my pens and even my boyfriends pens. Haha. So all his pens have my teethmarks. I know its a habit and i can't help it. Some people attribute to freud and some rubbish but i just think its just about having something to do with your fingers and teeth. I chew my phones and remote controls too so they all have teethmarks too. Well if it doesn't bother you then who cares right? after all as long as you chew your own stuff thats all that's all that matters!

7:29 AM, November 14, 2005  

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