Monday, November 21, 2005


FINALLY Operation Christmas Child, and all the stress that went with it, is finished. Don't get me wrong, I'm SO happy with how everything worked out, but it was a LOT of work to get it all done. Friday afternoon we went to the dollarstore and bought $800 worth of toys, candy, toiletries, and various other items to put in the boxes. We went back to school to begin packing them. We didn't get it finished that night, and the shop looked like a tornado went through it!! Saturday I got the Miskins and the Sikmas to come back to school with me to work on them some more. We worked for a little over two hours until I had to go to work. The shop still was a mess, so I was at school bright and early this morning (7 am!!) to finish up. We managed to get the shop in some semblance of order by 8:15. Right after 1st hour 11 of us went out to Wyoming to drop off our boxes and to help out at the warehouse for 3 hours. We packed the filled shoeboxes into cardboard boxes to be shipped to North Carolina and from there out all over the world. It was a lot of fun. All in all, we raised about $1,100 and filled 128 shoeboxes!! Way to go Plymouth, and thanks SO much to everyone involved!!


Blogger Charles Jurries said...

Sounds cool, Erika! 128 boxes... WOW!

8:36 PM, November 22, 2005  
Blogger born2fly said...

yeah! its so cool 2 be part of this erika! thanks 4 puttin it on and invitin me to the store n warehouse...footloose rocked! thanks :)

8:49 PM, November 22, 2005  
Blogger Unknown said...

didnt we have fun packing tho? and lindsay went too, you forgot that... we did the most work. and i also wrapped some on monday. 128... that rocks! wooohooo!

8:36 PM, November 23, 2005  
Blogger Darselo said...

Yah, it was a good time! Sorry for having to leave 1/2 my boxes for you to pack. You forgot to mention the tragic demise of the folding chair due to the stack of pallets on it...
(This Darci, btw)

8:47 PM, November 23, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now just close your eyes and imagine the expression of the one opening the bax!

8:45 AM, November 24, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


8:46 AM, November 24, 2005  
Blogger Erika said...

It was VERY cool Chuck!!

Abbs, ur very welcome, thank YOU for helping out!!

Scarlett, indeed, you are correct, Linz DID help as well. Packing was a blast, as was seeing the Sikmas again.

Darci, nice to see you here!! No problem about the always, it all come together.

Anon, despite the fact that you won't bloody tell us who you ARE, I totally agree. Thats the best part of it all, though it is easy to forget in the midst of spazzing out. I hope the boxes we packed do bring a whole BUNCH of joy to the kids!!

4:29 PM, November 24, 2005  
Blogger Unknown said...

they will trust me. theyll love em. come on, they dont have anything. seriously.

2:18 PM, November 25, 2005  

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